West Nebraska Family Research & History Center

achieving research success through teamwork and perseverance


Matches 1 to 32 of 32

 #   Tree Name   Description   Individuals   Families   Sources 
1 Allen-Mitchell  187 61 5 
2 Archer-Reisig Work commissioned by Mary Jane (Archer) Reisig 18 6 1 
3 Barg-Trumbull Work commissioned by John C. Trumbull 134 41 19 
4 Barnes-Petty Work commissioned by Normal Barnes 88 34 12 
5 Blaine-Hayes  14 1 0 
6 Blakley-Sims Work commissioned by Tony Blakley-Sims 132 63 14 
7 Blanton-Lamb  196 71 2 
8 Bruner-Farro  293 106 8 
9 Chapman-Widdows Family of James K. "Jim" Chapman 162 29 0 
10 Eiland Family of James "Jim" Eiland nee Raymond Gene Lively 0 0 0 
11 Ekelund/Ecklund Work commissioned by Bengt Granefelt 78 31 0 
12 Fitzgerald-Aller  385 228 79 
13 Fulton-Conley  40 15 1 
14 Hughes-Griffith  104 27 3 
15 Jirdon-Steen  5 2 0 
16 Klemke-White  5 1 0 
17 Leytham-Glenn  149 54 9 
18 Matlock-Montanez  49 18 4 
19 Matlock-Woods  45 18 0 
20 McClenahan  1 0 0 
21 O'Donnell-Heiser  526 266 35 
22 Prado-Chavez Work commissioned by Al Prado 104 29 2 
23 Sayre-Helling Work commissioned by Brad Sayre 286 105 8 
24 Seger Family of Gary LeRoy SEGER (1936-2017) 13 5 0 
25 Smith-Areford  155 63 13 
26 Smith-Cullan  0 0 0 
27 Smith-Merrill  1,202 447 172 
28 Soto  46 19 1 
29 Tate-Wheeler-Brandt  25 9 0 
30 Tuttle-Clark  115 49 0 
31 West-Dixon  152 56 1 
32 Williams-Zoellner  69 28 29 

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We strive to document all of our sources in these family trees. If you have something to add, please let us know.