West Nebraska Family Research & History Center
achieving research success through teamwork and perseverance
Show surnames starting with
[no surname] ( < A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z [
All surnames beginning with G, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. Gabbard (3) 2. Gainous (1) 3. Ganow (2) 4. Garber (1) 5. GARCIA (2) 6. GAVIN (1) 7. Gaylord (9) 8. GAYLORD GAILLARD (1) 9. Gentry (1) 10. Gibbs (1) |
11. Gibson (1) 12. Gideon (1) 13. Gilbert (2) 14. Gillett (30) 15. GILLETT (PELET) (1) 16. Gillette (2) 17. GILSDORF (3) 18. GITTINGS (7) 19. Glegg (1) 20. GLENN (3) |
21. GOLDBLOOM (7) 22. GONZALES (3) 23. GONZALEZ (1) 24. Goober (1) 25. GORBALL (1) 26. GRANEFELT (2) 27. Grant (1) 28. Graves (2) 29. Gray (1) 30. Grayham (1) |
31. Green (3) 32. GRIFFITH (18) 33. Grinder (1) 34. Griswold (19) 35. Gross (1) 36. Grosvenor (2) 37. GRUBER (1) 38. GUIDREAU (2) 39. Guidreaux (1) 40. Guidrez (1) |
41. Guidrot (3) 42. Guidroz (28) 43. Guidroz - Guidraux (1) 44. Gunnison (1) 45. GUTIERREZ (3) 46. GUZMAN (1) 47. GYLETTE (2) 48. GYLETTE (de Gylet) (1) |
We strive to document all of our sources in these family trees. If you have something to add, please let us know.